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Events Calendar

Pig Butchering Scam (Webinar)

1/22/2025 11:00 AM Central Time (CST)

An in depth look at this growing global threat and how you can protect your members. 

Register here!

ACH Rules Update

2/5/2025 11:00 AM

This session provides an in-depth review of the recent and upcoming changes to the Nacha Operating Rules. An accredited payments professional will guide you through critical information to ensure your organization remains compliant!

Register here!

Alabama Advocacy Conference

2/11/2025 8:00 AM

Montgomery, Alabama

Phishing, Vishing & Other Social Engineering (Webinar)

2/19/2025 11:00 AM Central Time (CST)

How NOT to get tricked into clicking!

Register here!

Governmental Affairs Conference

3/2/2025 8:00 AM

Walter E. Washington Convention Center, Washington, D.C.

ACH IRS Tax Refunds & Exceptions

3/6/2025 11:00 AM

What tools may an RDFI use to handle ACH tax return exceptions? In this session we discuss the RDFI's liability for ACH tax refund entries and methods to use to mitigate damage to accountholder relationships and to the balance sheet. We'll examine Nacha and IRS rules for Providers of individual income tax returns and study scenarios and their possible conclusions. Learn about the opt-in program established by Nacha and the IRS and the external leads program and find out how these tools may simplify your exception process and prevent fraud.

Register here!


3/10/2025 8:00 AM

Loews Portofino Bay Hotel, Orlando, Florida

Trending Scams (Webinar)

3/19/2025 11:00 AM Central Time (CST)

How to identify common scams and protect your members from becoming victims. 

Register here!

Georgia Credit Union Executives Association Spring Meeting

3/24/2025 8:00 AM

Omni Oceanfront Resort, Hilton Head Island, SC

Southern Financial Exchange Annual Conference & Expo

4/14/2025 8:00 AM

Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach, Alabama 

Tough Conversations (Webinar)

4/16/2025 11:00 PM Central Time (CST)

​How to say no and communicate with suspected scam victims.

Register here!

Education Credit Union Council

4/22/2025 8:00 AM

Caesar's Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

Tennessee League Annual Convention and Expo

4/22/2025 8:00 AM

Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Hawaii Credit Union League Annual Convention

5/1/2025 8:00 AM

Waikoloa Beach Marriott Resort & Spa

Impact: Cornerstone League Annual Conference

5/14/2025 8:00 AM

Kansas City, MO

Mississippi Credit Union Association Annual Meeting & Convention

5/14/2025 8:00 AM

Beau Rivage, Biloxi, MS

CUNA Finance Council Conference

5/18/2025 8:00 AM

JW Marriott at Desert Ridge Resort and Spa, Phoenix, Arizona

CrossState Connect Annual Convention

5/20/2025 8:00 AM

Wind Creek Bethlehem, Bethlehem, PA 

Ransomware and Ways to Help Protect (Webinar)

5/21/2025 11:00 AM Central Time (CST)

Take a proactive approach against ransomware attacks - we'll give you some tips!

Register here!

Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo ENGAGE

6/11/2025 8:00 AM

Signia by Hilton Bonnet Creek, Orlando, Florida

AI and Deepfakes (Webinar)

6/11/2025 11:00 AM Central Time (CST)

How you can shield yourself from the new technology and keep yourself safe.

Register here!

The Green Book Chapter 5: Reclamations

7/15/2025 11:00 AM

Reclamations of federal government benefit payments pose considerable liability and are among the most common sources of charge offs for RDFIs. Timely and accurate handling of these government payments are a critical competency for RDFIs to limit their liability and prevent loss. Join us for this session as we focus on Chapter 5 of the Green Book and explore government ACH processes and the unique handling requirements for reclamations in depth. 

Register here!

Georgia Credit Union Executives Association Summer Meeting

8/7/2025 8:00 AM

St. Simon's Island, GA

CU Leadership Conference

8/12/2025 8:00 AM

Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada

VISION Conference

8/18/2025 8:00 AM

Point Clear, Alabama

Elevate: Cornerstone Conference

9/3/2025 8:00 AM

Dallas, TX

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